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As the new era of opt-in culture takes hold of the internet, providing relevant, engaging, and valuable content has never been more important. Still reigning supreme as one of the most cost-effective ways to reach your target audience, email marketing provides a great opportunity to deliver content in a meaningful way. 

However, email hosting networks have made it easier than ever for your promotional emails to get labelled as junk and streamlined the unsubscribe process. 

So, how do you break through the clutter? Let Giant Creative help you with some tips to keep in mind before and during executing your email marketing campaign.

Dynamic Content

Ever open an email a few days late and find an expired coupon in your inbox? Companies like Mailchimp and Marketo are creating tools to ensure that never happens again! 

By using a dynamic content feature, you can put a back up value into the email that is triggered when the email is opened after a certain date. For example, those who open the email during a sale will see the special offer whereas those who open it after the sale ends will see a generic promotion. For businesses in the retail and e-commerce space, where sales and promotions are a large part of the promotion strategy, this is huge! Imagine no more upset customers trying to use expired coupons. 

Similar to your promotions calendar, you’ll want to have a catalogue of limited time offers you can reference and any retention offers you use on a regular basis. This will ensure you always have an offer on standby. 


Countless studies have shown that the inclusion of personalization throughout an email improves engagement rates. See below for a few ideas of how you can incorporate this conversion igniter into your copy. 

Some creative ways to use personalization:

  • User Activity– incorporate the user’s activity  how long they spent on your site or recent purchases  in the body of the email to encourage further engagement with your brand. 
  • In the subject line: Limited Time Offer for Person’s Name. This is a basic and oh-so-effective way to speak directly to your clients/prospects. 
  • Anniversary Dates: Build brand loyalty by celebrating when a user has joined your community or signed up for your newsletter. It’s a friendly and low commitment way to reignite contact with a customer. 

Valuable Content

No one wants to wade through lengthy text in an email. Save the prose for your personal writing and focus on writing short and engaging copy for your customers. Depending on what industry you’re in, value will be different. Experiment with different content lengths and types to find the best one for your business. 

As a rule of thumb, when you’re planning email blasts make sure the content aligns with one the following categories: informational– think an upcoming webinar or whitepaper, promotional– limited time offers or sales, or entertaining– relatable memes, quotes, or pop culture references that will resonate with your audience. 

Let us know how implementing one or all of these tactics has improved your open and engagement rates! 



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